How to Expect the Unexpected

A positive attitude is the most important thing to bring on a pilgrimage!

Leaning into my heritage, I can site numerous times “The Luck of the Irish” came into play. When the 2023 “Saints and Spirits” pilgrimage was offered, I was thankful and lucky that the timing worked with my hectic schedule. Months of anticipating departure for Dublin, Ireland with my fellow pilgrims brought feelings of amazement, excitement, and joy. And then the June 25th departure date arrived! I read our magnificent itinerary so frequently I practically had it memorized.

However, what is now etched in my mind is having been awake for 50+ hours, standing in a queue larger than anything I’ve ever witnessed for 13+ hours, being interviewed by CNN and then setting up shop literally on the Baggage Claim floor to figure out rebook options and luggage whereabouts. Finally setting foot in the Shannon airport three days later, I was one of the lucky ones who did not have lost luggage. Would I do it all again? Absolutely! My luck, my faith, my fellow pilgrims were at the heart of the journey. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more! Sláinte!



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New Travel Authorization for European Travel