My trip is sold out?!?

I went to register for my trip and can’t! The trip is sold out! What should I do?

It is unfortunate when we decide to travel and have selected our dream trip only to discover the trip is so popular, it is already sold out. If there is a trip that is on my bucketlist, the best thing I can do is book as soon as possible. If the trip is already sold out, what are my options? Consider clicking the link to join the “wait list.” Many times circumstances change: someone who already booked has a change of plans and can no longer travel, or additional rooms become available. Those on the waitlist are then “invited” to join the trip and confirm their registration. No deposit is required to be on the wait list. The wait list helps us to know who is interested in a specific trip so that when openings occur, we can match the openings with those who want to travel and accommodate as many pilgrims as possible.


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